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13 April 2018

The Advantage of being a Lazy Gardener

Most of the time Jack keeps me in order but for the last year Jack has been hors de combat so the garden and I have each been doing our own thing.

Last autumn I forgot to give a good haircut to the lavender bushes in the front garden and today I received my (un)just reward.  I've had goldfinches in the garden.  I've been trying to entice them in with sunflower seeds and nyjer seeds but they weren't interested but they succumbed to my tatty lavender. 

You will have to look very hard to see the birds but they really are there!

In other news, I have visited Jack this morning.  He's proudly displaying shorts, surgical stockings and a wonderful scar but the pain is now subsiding a little and the cheekiness is the same as ever.  He handed something as I was leaving which will appear on the blog before too long.

And in even more other news I have booked a place on a photography course later in the year.  Not before time.


  1. Goldfinches and blossom, lucky you! I'm glad that Jack is on the mend.

  2. Our goldfinches love Sunflower seeds, but their tastes have changed and Niger is not interesting!

  3. Not sure I can spot the finches, but I'll take your word for it.

    1. It's right in the middle of the top photo (brownish blur) and just below half way down the second one about an inch from the right hand edge. I am sure you will agree that I need the photography course.

    2. And the red head shows on the second one but the rest of it disappears into the cherry blossom. Honest!

  4. The picture of the bird in the second photo is fantastic! Look at that colorful face!

    I would like lavender in our yard. We had some once that my grandmother had given me but neighboring daisies took over. There was a time when my perennials were not getting along and some very aggressive daisies took over the world. I think I will have to work on putting in some lavender this year.

    Oh, and great to hear of your visit to Jack and that he is doing well!
