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26 March 2017



There was once a princess who lived in a great palace. One morning she was walking in the palace gardens with her page boy. As they got near the lily pond, suddenly they saw in the grass in front of them a small green frog. Now the page boy didn’t like frogs: they looked slimy and wet, and you never knew which way they were going to jump. So he said: ‘Quick, let’s get a stick and kill it.’  

But the princess, a wise young woman, stopped him. Instead she bent down and gently picked up the very surprised little frog. And to the page boy’s horror she… well, you know the rest of the story.

Frog number two. There was once a little frog called Jesus. Well, he wasn’t really a frog, but there were a lot of rich and powerful people who didn’t like him. They weren’t sure what to make of him – or which way he was going to jump next. So they did just what the page boy wanted to do: they killed him.  But God, rather like the wise young princess in the story, did something amazing. He bent down and gently lifted up the little ‘frog person’ into new life.

Frog number three is actually lots of little frogs because if you think  about it, not only was Jesus a sort of frog person, but he also had a lot of very froggy friends.   Little people that the more powerful people wanted to bash, not with sticks – but with rules and regulations that made them feel worthless and rejected. This happened a lot to people who were ill; people who had got things wrong in their lives; and people who were poor. 

But, unlike a lot of the powerful, religious people, Jesus didn’t send them away. Instead he befriended them and, no matter how frightened they were, he gently lifted them up and loved them back into life. He respected them and showed them love and friendship. Just like the princess – and just like God.

Frog number four is millions and billions of little frogs.  These are ordinary people just like you and me.  We’ve all got or we have had, mums.  Many of us have children but even if we aren’t mothers we do a lot of caring for other people.  Sometimes mums can be a little bit like the frogs in my story, they can be misunderstood, they want a kiss.  Sadly there are also lots of children who are misunderstood and just want a kiss as well.  Mothering Sunday reminds us all of the importance of a kiss and a hug and telling each other that everyone is loved

So what does Jesus the Frog Person want us to do about mums and children and indeed about everyone as everyone is someone’s son or daughter.  Maybe on this Mothering Sunday he wants us to do what all good mothers would do – to treat others with love and understanding. And, when we do that, we make an amazing discovery. They don’t look like frogs any more. Instead, we discover they are gifted and sensitive people made in the image of God. Just like you and me.

25 March 2017

Mothering Sunday

I don't like to mention it but it is exactly nine months to Christmas.  Today is therefore Lady Day or more formally The Feast of the Annunciation of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Until 1751 it was the first day of the year in England.  
So, this is the day when we remember that day when Mary first learned she was to be mum to a very special baby.  Tomorrow is the day when we remember all mothers everywhere and when each one of us gives thanks for our own mum.

For some of us it could be a bit of a  non event.  In my own case my Mother died many years ago and I have no children of my own.  However, it is a day that I celebrate with great joy.

After my Father died my Mother planted a weeping cherry tree in his memory and when I came to live in Caistor I planted this one in memory of both my parents and my sister.  This is the first year that I can remember that it has flowered for Mothering Sunday and it is giving me deep joy.

Tomorrow I shall take these flowers and distribute them to everyone in church because every one is some mother's son or daughter whether or not they will see their mums tomorrow.  Each has been taught to love because they have been loved, usually by their mothers and most give loving care to others, just as their mothers cared for them.
And I shall pray for all those families bereaved this week by the terrible attack in London, all those families still worrying about seriously injured relatives, and all who have been traumatised.  

06 March 2017

This is me

Back in 1974 I had a serious motor cycle accident whilst I was working in Nigeria and as a result one kneecap was smashed to smithereens and had to be removed.  Parts of the other leg became gangrenous and had to be sloughed away.  Skin grafts were needed and my legs have a very peculiar shape.

In 2013 I had a double mastectomy,

Over the years I have "comfort eaten" during periods of depression and as a result am very overweight,

Today I found the courage to go swimming with a friend.  It is the first time for at least fifteen years that I have swum and to be honest I struggled.  I struggled with self-consciousness, with unfitness and with fear.

In no conventional sense is mine the body beautiful but it is mine and it is unique.  And today I feel very proud.

05 March 2017

Marching on!

As I said in my last post February was fun but March looks likely to bring mayhem!

The floor in my kitchen has been giving rise to anxiety for quite a while and it's due to be sorted on 16th March.  I'm not really sure what to expect as everyone with whom I have spoken has given me different information and everyone says that s/he is right!  I am definitely pig in the middle.

Anyway, I need to make the best of a bad job so I'm going to get the kitchen emptied before they come and take the opportunity to spring clean.  I hate disruption in my kitchen.  GRRRRRR!

04 March 2017

Not a bad month

It's 4th of March and I'm feeling a bit guilty becuase I haven't blogged about February fun so this is a quick post!   I said February was for fun and I meant it!  Here's a few of the things I have done.

Best thing in the month was the Edinburgh trip.

I went to my paper engineering group and made a Rotobot.  Turn the handle and the torso rotates one way and the head the other whilst the feet stays still.  I don't think I got it quite right as unfortunately he also picks his nose!

I had a day out in Newark with Alice.  Long time readers may remember her as Bobo's human.  Alice and I have been friends for forty eight years so that was a day for a LOT of talking!

Then I had a day at Normanby Park

I went to Mandy's and made some lovely cards.

I crocheted a throw to use whilst sprawling on the sofa.

I received two competition wins.  

A month of having a smile on my face!!!