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30 July 2016

The best is yet to be

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in his hand
Who saith, ``A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!'

That's by Robert Browning and that second line is often in my mind.  I would never have believed how good life is in these later years.  True, I have my aches and pains but life is truly glorious.

Each day, each week, each month brings its own glories and soon August will start.  One of the most wonderful things I have read on a blog this last month was someone's goal for the month.  She listed only one goal, just "Enjoy summer" and those two words have enriched July for me.  Thank you, Rivulet.

So I'm going to have "Enjoy summer" as my hope for August.  You may remember that I prefer hopes to goals.  I'm hoping to have a picnic at Normanby and maybe one at Clumber Park.  I'm hoping to sit in my swing and to smell not just the roses but the lavender and the sweet peas too.  Could life ever be any better?


  1. I love that hope "Enjoy Summer" I certainly am so far with so many family visits that enrich my life. Hope you manages to have your picnics.

  2. I think this goes along with slowing down a bit to actually smell those flowers!! I think summer just invokes the idea of a slower pace and I love that.

  3. Last night was a glorious summer night-nice meal,long walk, sit on the front porch withal glass of wine. Can't script better than that.

  4. :)
    I look forward to hearing how joyful August will be for you. I know I didn't post a lot in July and I don't know if you'll post a lot in August but I can only imagine that both of us will be very happy with such a hope. And goodness, your sweet peas come out WAY later than mine. Mine have come and gone weeks ago. I LOVE those gorgeous little flowers.
