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22 November 2015


Today wasn’t exactly a first but it was the first for many a long year.  Today for the first time in around thirty years I managed to make my Christmas pudding on Stir Up Sunday!

Just in case you don’t know why this is Stir Up Sunday here is the Collect for the Last Sunday before Advent from the Book of Common Prayer.   

But I need to stir up more than a pudding.  I need to stir myself.  It's ages (nearly a month!) since I wrote on this blog.  I've been busy and there's been nothing wrong but somehow I needed a bit of solitude, a time of minimal communication.  I've commented in a few blogs but for the most part have kept my thoughts to myself.

Today I have no service to take.  I had planned to go to Brugges this weekend to visit my nephew but decided to postpone until the spring when I can be more sure that my eyes have properly healed.  My heart though is with all those in France and Belgium in these frightening times.  Later I shall be in a pew in church praying for them all.


  1. World events have unsettled us too, we are praying for World peace. It is certainly a frightening world that we live in at the moment. Take care.

  2. Sometimes we all need quiet times. I feel that way myself many times.
