Mary, my Mary,
how could you? I always thought that of
all my children you were the least likely to bring disgrace on the family. And now you have done the worst thing you
could. I can’t believe it of you.
And you have
lied to me. You who were always close to
me and we always shared secrets. I
thought you would tell me everything. I
didn’t know that there was a man in your life apart from Joseph, and even now
you won’t tell me his name. You just
give me some silly story about an angel.
Angels don’t appear to ordinary people like us and angels certainly don't put girls in the family way! Did some man deceive you with a holy
story? Was that it?
My first thought
was that it was Joseph but he says it wasn’t.
Oh Mary, how much you have hurt him!
He’s a good man, he’d have been a good husband, but you can’t expect him
to take on soiled goods and another man’s child.
Did we protect
you too much? I can’t think we did for
you were always with the other girls of your age but their mothers won’t want
them to be near you now. I daren’t think
what will happen to you. There are
plenty of men who will think you fair game and we can’t protect you for ever.
Your father is
really upset and I can hardly get him to talk about it at all but Joseph came
to see him yesterday. Joe is such a good
man, he’s trying to understand why you would betray him like this and he still
loves you, despite everything. He’s not
going to expose you to public disgrace and make a fuss about breaking off the
engagement but he’ll let it quietly drop.
That’s really kind of him and better than we could have hoped for. But Mary, why won’t you tell us the truth
about who it was? The father should take
I’ve been
thinking. You remember Elizabeth? Well she’s expecting a baby too. She’s only got a few weeks to go and I think
she could probably do with a bit of help. You could go to her. No-one there
will know you and you needn’t tell them you are an unmarried mother. Elizabeth is a good woman and she’ll talk
Zechariah round to letting you stay – he’s so excited that he’s going to be a dad
after all these years she can twist him around her little finger!
Oh Mary, I’d
always thought that becoming a granny would be so exciting and such a happy
time, not like this. I can’t forgive
whoever did this to you. He should be
here with you. It’s the father’s