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09 September 2015

Thank You, Ma'am.

I’m not going to press the publish button in this until after 5.30 pm because at that time Elizabeth 11 will become our longest reigning monarch.

Understandably she doesn’t want to celebrate – her long reign is partly down to the fact that her father died so young.  She would also effectively be celebrating the death of her great great grandmother, Queen Victoria.

But I think many of us want to say our own quiet "thank yous” to Her Majesty.  She’s been our oldest ever monarch for quite a while but to see her around you’d never guess it.  Her schedule isn’t as busy as it was but it’s still incredible for a lady of 89.  Today she’s out opening a new railway and doubtless receiving the cheers and thanks of many of her people.

I was born in her father’s reign but she became Queen when I was 15 weeks old.  She has been the stability of my country all my life.  On Sunday I shall use this prayer. 

Almighty God, who hast set our gracious sovereign Queen Elizabeth upon the throne of this realm and given her to surpass all others in the years of her reign: receive our heartfelt thanks for her service to her people, confirm and encourage her in the continuance of the same, and keep her in thy heavenly wisdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who took the form of a servant for our sake and reigneth now in glory with theee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.  Amen


  1. A wonderful tribute to a wonderful lady, long may she reign over us.

  2. We are so blessed to have had her calm and sensible reign for so long.

  3. She has given her all for her country and that is to be commended if not celebrated. I remember watching her coronation on television -- I was two. I remember the carriage most of all and thought it looked just like something out of a fairy tale. The UK has been blessed, indeed.
