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07 May 2015

I may be some time.

I do enjoy a good moan.  I wouldn’t even dignify my moans by calling them rants.  Sometimes they are just chunterings, by which I mean I am at home alone, and I utter harsh words about “them” whoever “they" are.  The right to moan/rant/chunter is highly valued here at Frugal Follies.

And today I need to go a mere half a mile on my trundle truck to maintain my (moral) right to moan.  For today is Election Day.

I have watched several of the election debates on the television and as I have watched I have moaned/ranted/chuntered at the TV set.  Although I have never been politically active myself I admire those who want to change things (or even those who campaign to keep some things the same).  The politicians at Westminster get paid, true, but the vast majority of those involved in the political process do so voluntarily.  They may want to change things so that they are better for themselves but at least they do more than moan/rant/chunter. 

Believe it or not I have SEVENTEEN votes today.  One for Parliament, two for the district council and fourteen for the town council.  I shall use them all.

I may be some time.


  1. Good for you, I have already voted. There are so many people around the world who are unable to uphold an opinion of their own I feel it is only right to vote.

  2. Deeply impressed by the number of votes you have!

  3. My goodness 17! Fortunately we only had one person to vote for in our London constituency, but I forgot my reading glasses and finding his name through blurry vision was hard enough!
