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22 December 2014


Like most people I haven't managed to get as much made for Christmas as I would like and not everything that I make can appear on this blog but I know that the recipient of this doesn't read my blog.  She asked for a tea cosy.  She likes spotty things and she likes owls.  I hope she'll like this!

I'm not sure why his ears appear so odd - they look OK in "Real life"!


  1. This is very cute. I think I am seriously going to start crafting for next year. It is getting more and more difficult to buy for my kids as they are all grown up, getting to be middle aged and they really don't need anything from me -- they are blessed for sure. But it would be fun, for me, to make things like this and I think they would enjoy getting something completely different from the requisite Starbucks gift card!

  2. Personal gifts are always so nice to receive.
