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12 August 2014

A Better way of Hoarding

I love learning!  I’m not talking about doing more exams but rather learning for the sheer joy of new knowledge.  I’ve been a terrible hoarder of things, now I’m a hoarder of knowledge and experience. 

This year I have already done a one day course on Copperplate at Knuston (I'm on the right with my back to you all!)


and creative embroidery at Glastonbury. (The picture on the right is an unfinished piece which I have since finished.)

Yesterday the prospectus came for Knuston Hall, an adult residential College in Northamptonshire.   They offer a very tempting range of short courses and I’ve got my eye on a Christmas Craft two day course in October.  If I did that I could get several Christmas presents made and it would still give me time to create using any new skills before Christmas.  It will involve a very careful checking of my finances.

But what amazes me is the range of learning I can find on the web.  I’ve long used YouTube and other sites to learn a special technique but this year I have discovered the free courses offered by colleges and universities all over the world.  This year I have already done a course on Kitchen Science (tea bag rockets anyone) and Managing my Finances.  They were offered by the Open University and the University of East Anglia and were brilliant.  Although they are offered by Universities they are within the capabilities of a very average person like myself.  Today someone has e mailed me about a photography course offered by an Australian University and I am more than a little tempted.  All these are free courses.  Local authority sponsored adult education is now for the most part out of my reach (it’s expensive, at inconvenient times and inconvenient places) but t’interweb brings learning within my reach in every sense.

And the hoarding of learning doesn’t need any extra shelving!

1 comment:

  1. That`s a brilliant way of hoarding, indeed. Learning new skills and keeping your brain cells active will keep you young for longer.
