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03 June 2023

O is for Older Than I Was

 I'm 71 so there is no denying that I am older than I was.  But no matter how old you are, you are older than you were.

There are things which I can't do now which I could do when I was sixty one, but I don't want to get to eighty one regretting that I didn't celebrate the the things I could do when I was seventy one but can do no longer.  I still drive, have days out, manage my finances, very occasionally wear heeled shoes, dance around the kitchen, and terrorise people when I am on my trundle truck.  One day some or all of those things will no longer be possible but they are fun as long as they last.    

There are things which are even better as I get older.  I have more time to make things, to linger over a coffee in the garden, to experiment with recipes.  I am happier to say"no" to things I don't want to do, I can savour the things I do want to do.  and I have lots of time each day to sit and relax knowing God is with me.  


  1. A lovely post, M. I am learning to accept that age brings limitations, but does not mean I have to give up all the things I enjoy. And I love the time that I have in retirement to say Yes or No. Every minute is a gift from God, and every day I find new joys and new blessings. I dance in the kitchen too

    1. Thank you. I will remeber you the next time I cavort around the kitchen!

  2. My sister will turn 70 in September. She is in a do it now or do it never kind of mood. She tells me that she imagines herself living to be 82. I am 4 years her junior, and retired. I have been in that kind of mindset for a few years now. If she retires, we will attempt a trip to Yorkshire in England, which is our ancestral home. Like you, I do not fancy the things advancing age will bring. I lost a lot fighting cancer when I was young. I have not aged well.

    1. I hope you are both having as wonderful a seventh decade as I had.

  3. Brilliant thoughtful post, life is about health and not age, I also enjoy saying no.

  4. Yes!! I turn 70 next year and my much younger sister has pushed me to fulfil my dream of a trip to the UK. It’s now or never she tells me! While I may not dance in the kitchen I enjoy every day as a gift from God and thank Him for all His benefits. Margaret (from New Zealand)

    1. Can't think of a better country to visit! (other than NZ!) It would appear that you and "anonymous" who commented above are each planning trips here with your sisters.

  5. What a wonderful way to look at getting older. There is so much to celebrate each year that we get older. Thanks for the reminder.

    God bless.

  6. I am a few years older than you and thanks for reminding me to enjoy the good things we can do. Years ago I learned that saying No is a way of saying Yes, to something else. One less activity, more time to read, pray and garden.
