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28 June 2016

Deep down in the burrow

Many creatures live deep down in the earth, hidden from view.  We can see them when they come out to find food but much of their lives are hidden.

Have you ever wondered what rabbits do when want to put their feet up?  Well, now I can tell you.  They watch TV!

I made this model yesterday.  Turn the handle and the channels change.  The Rabbit family has a choice of Rabbit TV (home styling, I think), Carrot TV (food and cooking) and Fox TV (horror movies)

26 June 2016

Things were different when I was a girl

I have reached the age when I hear myself saying "It wasn't like that when I was young".  In fact, to be totally honest I've been saying that for quite a few years.

Sometimes I've got my rose tinted spectacles on and I'm saying that things were better way back when.  But sometimes things have definitely improved.  

The village pond at Limber Magna
When we visited my grandmother when I was a child we used to pass a certain village pond and the game was to see what had been dumped in it since the last time we passed by.  There were bikes, prams, old car tyres and the like.  Not a pretty sight.  

But now the villagers take a real pride in their pond - and rightly so.  Ducks, moorhens, water lilies - all flourish.
 Some things have definitely improved since I was a girl.  

25 June 2016

Jack, caterpillars, rabbits and me

It was a great day yesterday.  Jack came.

And he pulled the first of the carrot harvest.  The most delicious carrots of the year.  Not cooked.  Eaten raw.  Just like a rabbit would.  

Jack has a very low view of my intellectual abilities.  He can't understand why anyone would want a caterpillar in the kitchen.  He insisted I photograph it with the carrots just so you can see how much he has to suffer when he comes.
Spot the caterpillar.

22 June 2016

Singing along Memory Lane

One of my favourite bits of being a Guide was camp fire singing.  There was little finesse about it. Silly songs.  Loud and enthusiastic singing.  A tasty hot dog.  

Last night I went to a camp fire again, my first for over thirty years.  This time it was with the Trefoil Guild - GirlGuiding for Grown ups.

It started with a barbecue.  Bit of a change there - everything was perfectly cooked unlike the burnt sausages and near raw burgers of my earlier days.  But that's what happens when it's grannies who do the cooking.

No balancing plates on knees whilst sitting on the ground.  These days our local camp site has proper picnic benches (and showers, and flush loos, and even some electric lighting).

Then to the campfire area.  Twenty first century Guides want proper benches to sit on.  But many of the old favourite songs were sung and the laughter was as wonderful as ever.
This was just getting ready - about thirty of us sang our hearts out

Sadly one thing thing has not changed.  Midges still bite!

18 June 2016

It's on the cards

Just two of us joined Mandy to make cards yesterday and what lovely cards she had in mind for us!  Actually, it's more than in mind.  She has many things prepared, sometimes even cut to size, and we just use her wonderful gear and her ideas, and she's happy for us to use a little bit of our own imagination to make our cards personal to us.  Thank you Mandy.

Anyway, here's what I made.

As you might guess the theme was "trees".  We actually made one more but mine didn't photograph well.

07 June 2016

Hatted and Booted

I live in a really lovely community.  The town looks clean and loved.  There’s always something happening.  People greet each other with a smile and a cheery wave.

 And there are those who do a tremendous amount for the community to keep it as lovely as it is.  The list of groups listed in the community directory is truly stunning ranging from a Friendship Club so no-one need feel lonely, to a Civic Society to maintain interest in the history of this ancient place.   It is not unusual to see volunteers maintaining the flower tubs or even litter picking after our less tidy citizens.

 And this week I noticed a new bit of community loveliness outside our (retained) Fire Station.

02 June 2016


Jack has been to see Auntie Hettie.  Somehow this has happened.