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19 March 2016

No longer AWOL!

I ought to feel ashamed about not writing anything here for three weeks, but I don't.  Life has been getting so much more interesting over the past three weeks and at last I feel as though 2016 has really got underway.

Today I'd like to share a little bit about a couple of things that I have been doing.

Earlier this week at Trefoil Guild (Girlguiding for Grown-ups)  I had a go at doing batik on eggs - a craft I'd never tried previously.  Great fun but Marigolds are a definite necessity,  This is my masterpiece and here's a friend with the Easter tree we decorated between the seven of us.  

And yesterday I went to Mandy's and made these cards.  You won't be surprised that this was my favourite!


  1. Glad to catchup with you. Ilove how busy you keep yourself.

  2. So glad you are finding lots of things to fill your days. I used to be a Guider/Brown Owl when my girls were younger we certainly used to have a lot of fun. Beautiful cards.

  3. Being busy is a good thing! The egg is gorgeous and the cards are, as always, impressive!

  4. I have never tried egg Batik but yours looks splendid!

  5. The card you sent is lovely and it's still on the mantelpiece - it will stay there for another week! The egg batik is very clever.
